Bluebonnets that's what! Awww man...I said 'THE WORD" "The word" would be "Bluebonnets" A couple of weeks ago while running I saw the first one I'd seen this year and literally out loud said, "Yea, bluebonnets!!" Then thought to myself Uh-Oh, I just said "the word" so, then, only for my mom, I had to sing the song (out loud, of course) I know she was up there listening and laughing right along with me!
Here's the song...
Bluebonnets, Bluebonnets with your coat so blue
Your white eyes are shining through the silvery dew
I know you're a dolly waiting for the rain
And I know you'll return again to Texas in the spring
For those who don't know, my mom learned this song in 2nd grade choir. It wouldn't matter where we the middle of the mall or in the car, she would sing (sometimes yell) the words to this song. It became her mission every year when the bluebonnets were out to get someone to say the word. So, now, of course, I cannot wait carry on the tradition and embarrass Hunter with this same song!