Friday, August 29, 2008
The Artist
We woke up on a Wednesday night at about 3am to a seal in Hunter's room. Yes, croup came back to Hunter. If you've never heard a croupy cough, it sounds exactly like a seal. With a little tylenol and heavy doses of "Hot Dog", which is really Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and Little Einsteins, we're finally over the croup...BUT...that left us with yet another ear infection. So, next Wednesday Hunter will be getting another set of ear tubes and his adenoids out. Hopefully that will help with all these ear infections!! Here's some pictures of our little artist.
This is what happens when you paint while you have an ear infection...
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Beach, Music, & ????
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Friday, August 1, 2008
Backyard Fun & Moon Sand
This moon sand could keep him busy for hours!!!! It's totally messy, but he loves it. He even "helps" me clean up after he's done.
Backyard fun! He's about to do a belly-flop into his pool
Here he's putting a statue thing in the corner, I'm guessing by the way he's talking to it, he's telling it why it's in the corner. When I asked what he was doing, here's what I got:
Hunter:Corner mama
Mommy: Why are you putting it in the corner?
Hunter: (shaking his finger at it) Bad