Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Multitude Monday: Spring!

57. Sprinklers
58. Bluebonnet pictures

59. Even this picture

60. Zyrtec

61. My little warrior

62. Playdate with friends

63. HUGE messes

64. Monster Mud

65. Giving all the rooms their "spring clean"

66. The smell of sunscreen on my boys

67. New trees in the yard

68. First popsicles

69. Playing outside ALL day long!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Warrior Dash

My friend Rachel and I ran the Warrior Dash last weekend. We had a blast and are already signed up to do one kinda like it on the beach this September!



Almost done...just have the mud pit left....

I did share my turkey leg....

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Move Over Winter

Spring is here! We've had such a fun time being able to finally play outside!

Washing Mommy's car

Think he liked the bubbles?

I LOVE this picture!

Such fun!

Big brother teaching little brother how to drink from the sprinkler...
I wonder if it's as good as drinking bath water?

Sumo anyone?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Multitude Monday (on a Tuesday)

I just realized the last time I posted one of these was in September....
Over the last 5 months there have been so many gifts given to us, here a just a few to get caught up-in no particular order....

46. from crawling to walking

47. i actually did it...nursed my baby for a year! i NEVER would have gotten through that without the love and support of my family and friends. THANK YOU!!

48. nights of a full nights sleep-Thank you Grant!

49. time with family over the holidays

50. an actual "date" with my husband (1st one in OVER a YEAR!)...even if all we did was go to big lots and goodwill :) -Thank you to my Mother-in-law for watching the boys!

51. watching hunter play in the woods with his friends

52. listening to hunter pray and wanting to learn more and more about Jesus

53. skype

54. my sister

55. my talented sister-in-law who made Grant's shopping cart cover-which he loves so much he can take a nap in a shopping cart now :)

56. my husband-who survived hunter and i having an awful stomach bug at the same time

Thursday, March 3, 2011

February flew by for us!
We had a nasty stomach bug make its way around our little family
ear infections
a very happy valentines day
have been enjoying this awesome weather outside!

We had a swarm of bees set up shop right outside our bedroom window, which is right by our front door. Thankfully I have a brave husband who got rid of them for us!

A sweet moment with daddy. Grant has finally found a love of books! (ignore all the spaghetti on his face)

We are in full blown soccer season again! Hunter LOVES playing soccer and we have a fun team this year with a great coach and awesome assistant coaches (aka Daddy)

Bathtime bubbles

Doing the sort of thing boys do...I think this was a pirate ship

Could he be any happier?!