For the past few Monday's Hunter and I have been going over to Parks and Irie's house after their mom, C.C. and I get done with our bodycombat class at the YMCA. The kids eat lunch then we play (so the kids will take a nice long nap!) This past Monday we took a trip to their neighborhood park. Like always, Hunter had a BLAST playing. We always have so much fun with them and so thankful we have such good friends!

Parks and Hunter sharing the slide

Me pushing Hunter and Irie on the swings. Hunter would swing all day if he could!

Irie spinning Hunter on the spinning thing :) I have no idea what this is called. Hunter kept saying "weeeeee" while he was spinning

A fun see-saw that the both really had fun on.
We sure do love having you guys as our bestest of friends!!!!
That comment was from the Sprys!!!
We really love you guys!!
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