Thursday, March 26, 2009

Conversations with Hunter

I'm sitting next to Lee on the couch. I give Lee a hug and Hunter sees...

H: (scooting between us) No, I love him

M: I love him too

D: I love you and Mommy

H: I love Daddy, him my favwite in whole wide world

Driving to Kroger after school yesterday....

H: Slow down Mommy, going too fast on busy stweet

M: I'm going the speed limit

H: I said sloooow down Mommy

M: Ooook (not really slowing down)

H: Mommy, you go to time out for not lising to me

M: (laughing and still driving)

H: Mommy, look at my eyeballs, see, I said look at my eyeballs (pointing to his eyes with a mad look on his face)


Sarah, Blake, Evan, Julia said...

Evan has become my backseat driver too - he says - Concentrate on your driving mom!! Love the "Look at my eyeballs" so funny.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA I LOVE this....I cannot wait to have some of the same conversations!! Write these down so you remember them forever.

Rob and Leah said...

Precious moments! What a silly guy.

The Sprys said...

Oh my goodness. I just love his quotes!!! WE MISS YALL!

Sarah Smile said...

Ha ha ha, that's awesome :)